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What limits Productivity?

Processing line productivity may be defined as units of output per unit of time: pieces per minute, kgs per hour, cartons per day, for example.

There are many factors which affect Productivity during the production run. Does the production line run continuously? Does it flow continuously? Does each step (or machine or station) of the processing line continually operate? If not, why not?

Does product flow evenly along the production line? Are there locations where product is backing up? Or locations where product is not available for the next step? Is there waste product collecting along the production line?

The Productivity module provides three tools to help identify root causes which limit Productivity.

“Our productivity project looked at micro-stops on the production line – small stops that have an impact down the line.  It was a guideline that mainstreams solutions to eliminate micro-stops.  The result is a more productive and happier team.  It’s the ‘work smarter not harder’ method.”

– Kim Green
Production Supervisor
Ippolito Fruit & Produce Ltd.